This enigmatic young starlet is one of the latest additions to the ranks of Vivid Video exclusive performers. She's a very thin, very tiny (not even five feet tall) Asian sex kitten who leapt into the world of porn with both feet -- in her very first film she proved that she wasn't beyond doing anything sexual there was.
Kobe Tai is an American-born Asian who speaks with a distinctly U.S. accent, and she's got a clean-scrubbed and youthful look (and an amazingly tight body complete with enhanced boobs) that makes her vigorous sexing all the more delightful to watch.
Kobe broke into hardcore in 1996 under the name Blake and then Brooke Young. So far, her output for Vivid has been quite limited, but there should be a sexy host of salacious Kobe Tai video released in the coming months. She makes a welcome addition to the always too-thin ranks of top-flight Asian porn starlets.